Saturday, April 11, 2009

Even the Russians love The Little Mermaid

2003 Murder Case Closed

The investigation into the mysterious death of investigative reporter Yuri Shchekochikhin closed on April 9, 2009. Reports claimed that his death was no more than an allergic reaction. Oddly, two of his other colleagues from the Novaya gazeta were also shot down in 2006 and as recently as January 2009. All three of the victimes were reporters covering the situation in Chechnya, specifically the capturing of Russian soldiers. Of course there is no proof of a link between these murders and ex-president Vladimir Putin's intense hunting of overly expressive media, but everyone is entitled to their own theories, at least until they get shot.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Russian Journalist dies...shocker

There is much controversy over the latest attack on Russian journalist Sergey Protazanov. Reporters without Borders finds the whole situation to be alarming and disappointing in today's fight to protect journalists living in countries with poor press freedoms. The police have filed reports claiming the death took place due to poisoning by an unknown substance rather than the attack that landed Protazanov in the hospital. It is quite interesting that Protazanov was covering a story about the irregularities regarding mayor-elect Victor Strelchenko. It leads all to wonder what ties this new mayor may have with the Russian mafia given their infamous involvement in dead end murder cases. What secret did Protazanov uncover??

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Russian Cinema

Ten Films Recommended by Russia Today:

1. Beloe solntse pustini (The White Sun of the Desert)
2. Semnadtsat mgnoveniy vesny (Seventeen Moments of Spring)
3. Mesto vstrechi izmenit nelzya (Can’t Change the Meeting Place)
4. Sherlok Holms i doktor Vatson (Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson)
5. Kavkazskaya plennitsa (Kidnapping Caucasian Style)
6. Stalker
7. Brilliantovaya ruka (Diamond Arm)
8. Kin-Dza-Dza
9. Sobachye Serdtse (Heart of a Dog)
10. Ironiya sudby, ili s legkim parom! (The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!)